"Our country is in the middle of the Coronavirus battle and it has affected most of the citizens in a fearful way. My response is to be calm, be very smart and we will survive. America is the greatest, most powerful country in the world and I will do my part to sustain what we enjoy as free US citizens. We have elevated our service to curb service, home delivery, battery installation, lawn and garden advice and Golf Cart battery installation. March was the best month of sales in our thirty-five years' history. A lot of that was the customer choice program, Wix filter sale and the Continental Battery company's commitment to the company. Jacob is communicating daily with the police, fire, sanitation, ambulance and Drew county sanitation and sheriff departments. I believe we will live in a smarter better world when this passes. We need to continue to pray for each other and the medical providers. Remember my son Jesse Bone, he is the provider at Main Line Clinic administering the COVID-19 test. My family hasn't had any contact with him in four weeks. Thanks for all PWI does for us."